Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Misconceptions and Bad Race Day Signs

Hey, so after the debacle at the BMO Vancouver Half Marathon I hit up the pool last week. Its amazing what staring at the bottom of the pool for an hour does to my concept of self, and strength. Despite the fact that it was my first practice of the Summer session (ya, everyone else was in their second week- thanks awesome cold) I felt strong the next day. Sure all of my shoulder muscles felt like they were going to bust out of my shirt like the incredible Hulk they were so strained (Fly set the first day back = death the next day), but it hurt so GOOOOD.

Anyways, this Sunday I went for a 12 mile run, taking it easy ensuring that I walked when needed and took in plenty of fluids. Despite the slight rain, it is officially to warm out in the Lower Mainland of BC for a coat or long sleeve layers for this kid. So I took off my rain coat, tucked it in real good to my water belt at mile 2 and kept on trucking on. While I was running I thought of a few things pertaining to running and what my opinion was on the matter. Often at Marathons you see people holding signs, thinking that they are funny or will be motivating, such as:
                      'You thought they said RUM didn't you'
                      'Worst parade ever'
                      'Chafing is Sexy'
                      'Last Hill Ahead' (often followed by multiple hills... thanks awesome, cruel spectator)

etc... So on Sunday I thought of some of the signs I see and discussions with people who aren't runners I have pertaining to running so here is me debunking, and sharing some thoughts with you.

        -Chafing is sexy: Clearly the people who hold these signs have never experienced it... Chafing is not sexy, it hurts like nothing else, tends to go unnoticed until after or worse is noticed and gets progressively worse causing one to curse the fact that they didn't factor in the humidity or light rain fall while skipping out on the body glide
        - I could never run, I don't enjoy it: While, want to get in on a little secret, I enjoy what running brings to my life (healthy heart, endurance etc) but I often do not enjoy it either. I run because I like the idea of who I can be as a runner. I run because it helps my sanity and allows me to get lost for a moment in time and day dream about what my life may be. I'm not artistic, and although I'd rather grab a bowl of ice cream and reflect on these thoughts, I don't think I would appreciate the long term effects of being that type of person.
         - I could never be that motivated or disciplined: while runners appear to be motivated and disciplined, we also go out for runs for other reasons, such as to be social, hang out with others, or be with people without having to talk with people (seriously, go out running on a Saturday or Sunday morning, odds are you will be with other people)... also, it is always an added bonus when you cross paths with some eye candy ;) Hey whatever gets you out the door :)
         - I'm not in good enough shape to be a runner: Umm... thats why you should start running or walking? So that you can then become a person who happens to run for a certain period of time, and once your ready, you can identify yourself a runner. In my experience the running community is not one to judge, we come in all shapes, sizes, economic status and backgrounds. Anyone who is out there and giving it a shot we applaud and embrace as one of us. My friends viewed me as a runner long before I ever came to accept this term.
        -I don't have the time: We all have the time, it is if you are willing to make the time or adjust your schedule to fit it in. Being a healthy or healthier person starts with small changes, so I do find it difficult when people compliment or admire me but cling to this idea that they themselves could never be an active person it is rather annoying. Despite how busy and chaotic life may be, opportunities to hold the butter, or take the stairs do still exist.

Anyways, moving on to this week up ahead:
Monday - Swimming 1 hour (it was a free set)
Tuesday - potential work out dvd, and swimming 1 hour
Wednesday - Running (no time or distance determined)
Thursday - Swimming
Friday - Running
Saturday - Long Run (2 plus hours)

Happy Tuesday, and Provincial Election day :)

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