Monday, 28 January 2013

Will I ever be a Morning Person....

Despite my attempts to go to bed early, the thought of waking up before 6 is not only repulsive but impossible! Prior to this morning I had every intention of waking up at 5:45 to fit in a solid 6 or 7 mile run before work (on the treadmill about 20 steps away from my bedroom... 14 if I threw a bit of a hop and skip in my step).... So, yesterday I went to swim practice in the morning, didn't run and took the day easy (really easy, the most physical thing I did was go up and down the stairs with my laundry basket...) I went to bed nice and early and 5:45 am came along, I heard the alarm shut it off and continued to sleep for 30 minutes! Seriously, Monday morning fail!!!

                                'Don't be misjudge my positive fashion choice for a morning person'

Now, I know of so many people who wake up at that hour or earlier and they would read this and think, 'You have got to be kidding me', but honestly, I do not know how they do it. Unless it is Summer or I am in Hawaii I cannot get myself up and out of bed to go for a run it seems. Perhaps I just need to stop forcing myself to try and become something that is so unnatural to me... a 'Morning Person', and just embrace the fact that I'd rather do things later in the day.

So as Monday morning is upon us and the new week has begun, a new countdown can begin. It is officially less than 3 weeks until my first half marathon of the year. And as my co-worker asked me how my training was going I believe my reaction truly did sum it up if I'm being honest. Meh, its only a half... Seriously I have become one of those people now who is like sure it may be uncomfortable and I likely wont get a PR but I will finish it and for now that's what matters.

Blech, Monday mornings... I look forward to not meeting you for another 7 days, and I am not looking forward to compensating for your misfortunes after dinner on the Treadmill...

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