Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Plan Z...

After last weeks optimistic post, and great hopes and good feelings about February 17th, Wednesday evening came... which from now on will be known as the start of the epic cold/flu hybrid of 2013... I have been out of comission since Wednesday evening... and I am now faced with the uncertainty of what to do this upcoming Sunday. Often when I'm sick, once I finally have the energy to run again it is extremely frustrating and dissapointing because I've taken so many steps back in my strength and endurance. But do I really not want to do this run this weekend? I don't know... or do I try and switch to the 10 km? I do not know...

At this point in time I'm not too sure how I'm going to proceed or what I will be doing come Sunday morning, but first things first I need to just focus on getting myself better and getting back to work and a minimalist version of my daily routines...

Hope everyone else is in better health than I am... Oh also, so much for the plank a day challenge... flip side, my abs do look quite fabulous, its amazing what this cold/flu will do for a girls figure ;).

1 comment:

  1. I've sworn by elderberry syrup for the flu and all common colds. I had a 102 fever for days and felt like I was dying...then I took elderberry syrup and bounced back in a day. Magic! I tell all my friends about it... when you're sick take anywhere from 5 to 7 teaspoons a day.... and when you're feeling well, take 2 teaspoons a day to prevent yourself from getting sick. :]
