Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Plank a Day

Happy Workout DVD Tuesday! Woot Woot! I am so ready to bust a move tonight, followed by the inevitable not being able to move and cringe every time I go up the stairs at work for the rest of the week. I mean it just hurts so good!!

Anywho! So last week Wednesday there was no Wicked Workout. The hole in the treadmill has me a little scared to use it, plus I had a looming deadline on Thursday so I would not have had time anyways. Thursday and Friday I didn't end up doing any form of exercise because I was being lazy, additionally after work on Friday a friend was coming over to watch the hockey game...
                            Geography does not depict my team of choice

Yes I am from BC, Yes I live around Vancouver, but NO I am not a Canucks Fan ;)... It is amazing that I can go out and not get heckled too much... my Mom says its because I'm a female sports fan, I don't know what the reason is, but I will take it! (So coming into work on Monday may have slightly sucked... but hey, at least I ain't no closet fan!)

Moving on! Saturday I had every intention of going outside for a long run... instead I baked, swept the floors and washed all of the mats in the house... Ya... I don't think this was a very good excuse but I don't know, I just couldn't find the motivation. While it may have been a beautiful, sunny day on Saturday, I chose the rainy Sunday to go for a run...
Wasting time before Super Bowl the only way I know how

However, this run ended up being great! First - I figured out my running clothes for the Fort Langley Half. Second - Outside speed work (hello 8:34 min miles!) and finally- steep little hills that are quite comparable to the Fort Langley Half hills.... it may not have been a high mileage run, but it did boost my confidence and I now have a game plan going into the Fort Langley Half. 

The thing about Half Marathons after you've trained and done a full, is that they seem like no biggy. You know your body, you know your limits and you know how hard you can push yourself. Sure I likely should have trained a bit harder for this run, but the thing is that I know that I'm stronger than I was last year physically and mentally. Plus, I have the confidence in myself to know that I can finish. :)

Now, Seeing as the Fort Langley Half is quickly approaching, that means another event is happening... HAWAII!! Which is why the title of this post is 'Plank a Day'. Now until Hawaii I will be doing... a plank a day! (thank goodness I have new music on the iPod because i'm going to need it.) Last night I started my Ab workout and finished it with 3 planks (2 x 60 secs, 1 x 90 secs). From February 4th- March 16th I will be doing at least a 1 minute plank a day... ya I realize to most people this isn't even an issue, but for me, well this is the start of something I often say I'm going to do or would be a great idea, but don't follow through on (Beyonce may or may not have had a motivation factor... she looked AMAZING!).

So, happy Tuesday, I hope you all enjoyed the Super Bowl (and Beyonce!!! I may or may not have screamed when Destiney's Child was reunited... and was refrained from dancing only because my friends boyfriend was there), and bring on the 2013 NFL season, us Seahawk Fans are ready.

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