Monday, 11 March 2013

An Unexpected Cause to Pause

Happy Monday, for those of you enduring the effects of Time Change, my one suggestion-Coffee... and lots of it. Now if you are confused as to where to find your coffee maker or filter, then you are in BIG trouble and I suggest treating yourself to coffee out this morning.

Last week was my first official week of marathon training and it looked a little something like this:

Tues- 4 mile tempo run, Workout DVD (Shed and Shred by Jillian Michaels)
Wed- Ab and arm circuit with 5 min skipping warm up (30 min total time0
Thurs- Hill Training (aka DEATH)
Fri- 30 min swimming
Sat- rest
Sunday- 60 min swim with coach

Okay, so that little word following Sat is the cause for pause... what, Rest, isn't that supposed to be the long run day? Yes, yes it is... However, I have encountered a small little problem, that was a tweak a few weeks ago, but is not going away and I now have just accepted that it is a problem. At first, my right knee felt off. No big deal, take it easy, it'll go away... But then, I started compensating for it with my left leg... yes, now we are headed for troubled waters. Fast forward a week and last week Thursday evening my whole leg was almost in a semi flex, and my hip is telling me that something is definitely out of line.

So now, I shall be headed to physio sometime this week (hopefully sooner rather then later) as I have a suspicion as to what it is, and am desperately hoping it will be a quick fix. Unless I can do enough home stretching and exercises to correct it. But either way, I need to go get it checked out by a professional before I do any real damage. I hope that your training is going better then mine!! and remember, if your body is telling you something is off, take a break before you do greater damage, even if it means detouring from your 'plan'.

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