Wednesday, 13 March 2013

When the Snooze Button Wins... Kind of

Happy Wednesday! I do not know about you, but I am soooo happy that it is Wednesday, the only thing that would make this day better is if it were Thursday, or Friday oh Heck who am I kidding, really what I'm looking forward to is Sunday! (When I leave for Hawaii)... anyways, back to the reality of Wednesday.

As mentioned previously, I have been having some issues with my right leg, which turned Monday into a rest day (no tempo run), Tuesday into a rest day (no workout dvd), which brings us to Wednesday.

So, this morning I had every intention of waking up at 5:45 am, out the door by 6:30, at the gym at 7 (when the work gym opens) and go on the bike for 40-45 minutes...

5:45 rolled around, snooze was pressed, 6 am rolled around and the thoughts going through my head were not very nice. With the time change, we have reverted back to dark, dark mornings, where you peer out of your sleep filled eyes to find only darkness out there... That is not inviting... Anyways, 6:05 I mustered the energy to kick my blankets off and at 6:10 (yes, I was moving at a tortoise pace*) I finally made it upstairs to make coffee. Quickly* getting my lunch gathered for the day while the coffee was being made, and finally at 6:45 I was out the door.

I made it to the gym for 7:10, but upon getting there any thought of going on the bike was gone, as I looked at the 3 free treadmills waiting for me... I could hear them calling me from across the way, the comfort of the treadmill just drew me towards it. So I decided I'd give running a try, make sure I was looking at my form in the reflection of the window in front of me and the mirror beside me and the most amazing thing happened... Nothing hurt! So I ran 2.5 miles at an 9.05/mile pace and .5 miles at an 8:34 pace.... It was great!

This morning went nothing like I had planned, but even though that was the case, it was still great. I'm happy that even though I woke up late I didn't throw in the towel and sacrifice going to the gym. 3 miles is 3 miles, and 35 minutes on the always comforting Treadmill is 35 minutes of activity that I would not have gotten. So although the snooze button may have won the early battle, I came out victorious. I got my workout in before work, and it turned out to be better then I could have anticipated. (take that time change!) Anyone else experiencing the effects of this time change interfering with their pre work workouts?

Oh and quick side note, this morning at the gym, the people were actually working out! Granted it was predominately girls who were there right at 7 am... hmmm maybe its just the Thursday gym goers who are weird... The one girl was doing a circuit that scared the heebeegeebees out of me and made me happy I had a 'valid' excuse to be taking it easy!

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