Monday, 1 April 2013

Back into Training Mode

Well, vacation was fun... and my leg/knee isn't bothering me anymore... which means...

TRAINING IS BACK ON!! No more excuses... I've been back home for three days and gone on 2 x 3 mile runs and finally busted out a big one (which shouldn't be big if I were following my training plan) 8 miles... woohooo...

Ya, so anyways Vacation is over for now and it is time to get focused on training. Since Monday is a holiday in Canada, and my attempt at getting my long run in on Saturday didn't come about, today (Monday) was my long run day, and this is how it played out:

Split Time Moving Time Distance Avg Pace Best Pace Avg HR Max HR Calories
1 08:50.7 8:39 1 8:51 6:28 161 175 82
2 08:43.6 8:38 1 8:44 6:47 170 174 92
3 10:08.6 10:02 1 10:09 7:06 170 177 107
4 09:23.5 9:09 1 9:24 7:54 172 175 101
5 08:54.9 8:51 1 8:55 7:45 175 177 97
6 10:00.0 9:42 1 10:00 7:21 174 178 109
7 09:06.2 9:00 1 9:06 7:25 175 177 100
8 09:10.7 9:07 1 9:11 7:16 175 179 101
9 :02.0 -- 0 7:08 7:56 178 178 0
 Summary 1:14:20.0 1:13:08.0 8 9:14 6:30 172 179 789

All in all, a 9:14 pace, and I came in under 1:15 (my goal I decided on part way through the run). YAY! It was nice to get my legs back, to have them do a long distance and force myself to finish. As of late, the mental part of running is what has been hard for me so this was a nice confidence boost. Also, it was nice that the weather cooperated, as I was out running in shorts and a t-shirt :). 
As the work week is about to start tomorrow, here is the plan for the week: 

Tuesday- Workout DVD
Wed- Gym
Thurs- Track session or negative split run 
Fri- Swimming
Sat- 13 miler (may modify that to 11) 
Sun- Swimming with coach
Well, I hope that you have enjoyed the Easter holiday, celebrating the true reason for this season, and that your training has been more stable then my own. :) 

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