Thursday, 11 April 2013

Getting it done... even though I don't wanna!

Hey, Okay so most sporadic blogger? Yepp seems about right. So recap of my goals from the last week after my long(ish) 8 miler on Monday:

Tuesday- Workout DVD Check, Jillian Michaels Shed and Shred Level 1
Wed- Gym- Kind of Check? Home ab circuit... It sucked, I was sweating, It was intense so Check
Thurs- Track session or negative split run -Check- 8:30 for 15 then dropped it like its hot to 8/mle
Fri- Swimming - Did not happen :( too tired (lazy? I dunno)
Sat- 13 miler (may modify that to 11) - 13.1 miles (split up) in 2:02
Sun- Swimming with coach - Check, but legs were to sore to do anything with flippers

Alright, so all in all, my goals were pretty much met, I was happy!

On Saturday, I went to the Running Room on Cambie street in Vancouver for a vamp up to the BMO type shindig in the morning. John Stanton was there (founder of the Running Room), and gave us a little talk with advice (super helpful, lesson learned... HILL WORK OUTS, GET ON IT!) followed by a 3.5 mile run with the peeps who were there. It was nice to go out and run in Vancouver with a large group of other runners (something I don't do).

After this my friend Kelly and I went to the sea wall in Vancouver (which owned me last year during the BMO half) and I wrapped up with 13.1 miles total for the day... Yes I was super pumped (and incredibly sore the next day). Splitting up the 13 miler definitely helped, mentally my head plays games with me sometimes and the small break was a huge mental relief.

So I had similar goals for this week: 

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Workout DVD Check Jillian Michaels Shed and Shred Level 2 (did not realize it was longer then Level 1... may have spent half of it staring at the tv trying to figure out what the heck it was she wanted me to do).
Wednesday - Tempo Run Check, 5 miles in 43 mins (getting closer to my sub 50 10 km goal)
Thursday - Ab work out
Friday - Hill Training on the TM before work
Saturday - 15 mile run

All in all I'm pretty satisfied with where I am in my training. However, I am struggling with my mid week runs, so last night I did a shout out to my friends on facebook who inspire me to run and be active. I used them as motivation to get me out the door, and ended up having an amazing run, holding 8:15s for all but mile 3 when I had to take a walking break (aka where the heck is a washroom, and please do not be closed!).

I'm hoping to do at least 3 solid hill sessions before hitting the track for some 800 m sprint sets, and I am not too sure what I am going to do next week with me being at Disneyworld and Universal Studios... but I'm sure I will come up with something...

Amusement park exploration counts toward my long run goals for the day? No? hmmmmm.....

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